Meet the John’s*


Tell us a little bit about your family.

We are a family of five that live in the countryside of Yuma. We have a little Ranch with all sorts of animals including horses, cows, and chickens. We have three teenage boys, 17,15 and 12. We love the outdoors and to go on adventure…

How long have you been fostering?

One year!

What made you want to become foster parents?

We feel like there is a child or children out there that need love and support and to help them with their healing journey we decided we would try fostering.

What has been the hardest part about fostering? 

Letting go of the child you have grown to love and care for.

What has been the sweetest part about fostering? 

The smiles and happiness on the child’s face everyday makes you light up and want to continue to do it for other children.

What advice would you share with others who are considering becoming foster parents?

There are a lot of highs and a lot of lows but at the end of the day try to remember why you got into fostering to begin with.

Is there anything else you would like to share?

Make sure you have a good support system around you before you start. It is extremely beneficial for the child to have as much love and support as possible.